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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Acai Berry Weight Loss Formula

Acai berry is a small, grape sized berry found in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. It's a very nutritious food - in fact dr. Perricone named it nature's perfect food and the number one superfood in the world. It contains vitamins and minerals, omega fats (healthy fats) is rich in fiber and is a very strong antioxidant. Because of its nutrition there are many acai based products for weight loss and general health improvement. But what is acai berry weight loss formula? How does it help you lose weight? Continue to read to find out..

There are several ways in which acai helps you lose weight, some will have a direct result in weight loss, others will give an indirect improvement. For example many products contain appetite suppressants that will make you feel less hungry. This results in both a direct and indirect weight loss - because you feel less hungry you are likely to eat less which would likely result in you losing some weight, this is a direct effect. The indirect effect is that because you don't want to eat as much as normally, you would have an easier time switching to a good diet, the temptation to cheat on your diet with a nice juicy burger wouldn't be as high as normally.

Much the same is an energy boost offered by most of acai berry products. It won't result in lost pounds, but because of the increased energy levels you are more likely to do some physical activities or go to a gym and work out there. Also, many of the acai products also help you detox - eliminate toxins from your body, which will make you lose some weight, as well as increase energy and make you feel healthier.

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