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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Acai Weight Loss Supplement - Wisdom to Lose Weight

In the world of health foods and nutritional supplements, it sometimes seem like there's a new hot product every day and it can be hard to keep up with all the changes and exciting new developments. The latest big product that's generating excitement is called resveratrol, and one of the best sources for resveratrol is the Acai berries, or extracts from those berries.

Resveratrol has been all over the popular television news shows lately, and nearly all the doctors are unanimous in saying that it's the real deal. We may have a real medical revolution on our hands and the scientific community is more than a little excited about it.

The reason resveratrol has become such a hot topic, is because of several interesting scientific studies that have shown a variety of health benefits including weight loss, reduced blood pressure, lower body fat percentage, and improved overall strength. Some scientists even think we might be able to slow down the aging process or help fight cancer.

One of the first things that alerted scientists to the potential benefits of resveratrol was the so called "French Paradox". The French diet is known for being very high in fatty foods, but despite this, they have a lower rate of heart disease and other illnesses that have been traditionally tied to diets high in fat. They also have a lower tendency towards obesity than you would expect.

It was discovered that the resveratrol in their wine may be one of the main reasons for their good fortune and ever since then, scientists have been feverishly studying the substance, trying to understand all the benefits. The substance seems to counteract the effects of high fat diets. People who consume resveratrol, generally find that their find that their good cholesterol goes up, while their bad cholesterol goes down.

It's a sure bet, that company's will be releasing lots of great resveratrol based products in the future, and we all may benefit with greater health and fitness.

For More Related Topics Blog: Day By Day Weight Loss Plan

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